Season 24, Episode 2
First aired September 5, 2019
It’s a peaceful morning in Ros na Rún, by which I mean nobody
is being shoved screaming into a police car, burning down a building, or
threatening to jump off a roof yet. Still, these people are very resourceful,
so we should give them time. We open with an annoyed Mack ignoring a series of
phone calls and texts from Katy, and we get the impression that this has been
going on for some time, and also that the mental hospital should perhaps
supervise their “more fragile” patients’ phone use more closely. The latest
text asks “Have you seen the DNA test yet? [eggplant emoji eggplant emoji].”
That last part is implied. He pulls the scrap of paper with her email login and
password out of his pocket, considers chucking it in the bin, but then sits
down at the table where someone’s “Masha” brand laptop has presumably been downloading
and installing Windows updates for the past eleven hours. Masha: The Computer
Made By Albanians For Albanians. Just as he’s about to
enter the password to Katy’s email account, Dee bursts in with a gaggle of
children, at least 80 percent of whom were fathered by Mack, so he slams the
laptop shut, which of course makes it look like he was looking at porn.

Elsewhere, a drug deal reminiscent of the one in the opening
credits is happening in the street. Upon closer inspection it turns out to be
Sorcha slipping Briain a scrap of paper— which may or may not have been ripped
out of the same pad as Katy was using at the hospital the other day—with the
name of someone she knows at So You Ran Over An Old Lady Motors. He’ll be able
to get Briain a mirror for his 1982 Reliant Robin to replace the one that broke
off in Jude’s torso, she explains. Just then Berni pops out of a doorway and
hilariously bugs her eyes out at the sight of her intermittent soulmate
fraternizing with the enemy. She flies up in Sorcha’s face and starts screaming
at her, hissing that she warned her not to show her face around here again. I
knew the people of Ros na Rún would regret that referendum that gave Berni the
right to decide who can and cannot exist. Furthermore, she rants, she can’t
believe she was so stupid as to give Sorcha another chance after all the other
times she has screwed things up and caused drama. It always pains me to admit
when Berni is right about something, but this is one of those times. Berni
says that trouble follows Sorcha wherever she goes, which is rich coming from the woman who has been almost murdered by half the people she's ever met. Anyway, Berni concludes she is done with Sorcha, DONE! Of
course everyone else who has ever met Berni, including Briain and Evan, would
be thrilled to think she was DONE with them forever, but Sorcha looks sad, and
after Berni storms off, she and Briain exchange pained glances, which in
Briain’s world constitutes foreplay.